How To Dry Sneakers In Dryer? Dry Sneakers in 5 Minutes

How To Dry Sneakers In Dryer

Have you ever been stuck with soaking wet sneakers and not a whole lot of time? I certainly have. In those moments, I’ve found that the quickest, most efficient solution is to dry them in a dryer. If you’re anything like me, you might be worried about causing damage to your shoes or your dryer.

But don’t fret! I’ve tried and tested this method to ensure it’s safe and quick. In just about 5 minutes, your sneakers can go from sopping wet to comfortably dry. Here’s my easy guide on how to do it safely and effectively.

Stick with me as we journey together towards a simple solution for a common dilemma. So, are you ready to save time and get those sneakers dry? Let’s dive in and learn how to dry sneakers in dryer with simple and easy steps!

Is It Possible To Dry Sneakers In A Dryer?

Since a lot of people are doing it, and I did it by myself, it’s entirely possible that you can use a dryer to dry your sneakers. like how to dry sneakers in a dryer machine?

A Dryer is either a part of your washing machine or simply a dryer that helps you dry clothes and stuff when you can’t air dry them.

It’s the quickest and easiest way to get wet stuff dried within minutes.

Therefore, drying sneakers in a dryer is something similar to putting your clothes in a dryer after they are soaking in the water.

Try the step-by-step details, and you will know how a dryer can be a useful machine to dry your sneakers in minutes.

Just like drying sneakers, teach your kid to sketch sneakers in an easy and quick way.

Is It Safe to Dry Your Sneakers in a Dryer?

Most people claim that a dryer will damage your shoes. It’s quite right, but that depends on the quality of the sneakers and the manufacturer’s instructions.

In most cases, sneakers come made of heavy-duty material. This material isn’t usually low-quality PVC. Instead, there is heavy-duty stuffing and padding, which keeps them less affected.

They are not really affected by the dryer heat when you put them inside for drying quickly. Therefore, we can say that it’s always safe to dry your sneakers in a dryer when no other option seems possible.

But still, there is a possibility that you can damage your sneakers if you put them for a long period inside the dryer. This isn’t recommended by anyone, even myself. I won’t do it with my sneakers.

However, if your sneakers come with a label with washing instructions mentioned on them, please read them carefully and do exactly as the brand has told you.

In my case, there was no harm in washing sneakers in a washing machine and then drying them inside a dryer.

So, I did it, and this is how I dried them quickly in five minutes. You can do the same with your sneakers.

How Do You Dry Sneakers in A Dryer-Step Step Guide

Drying sneakers in a dryer is excellently possible. You will need a Dryer or a Washing Machine with a dryer.

With that, you’ll need your sneakers. Once you have these things, let’s get to business.

Prepare Your Sneakers Before Drying:

Firstly, I always make sure to remove the insoles and laces from my sneakers.

This helps to speed up the drying process and prevents any possible damage to those parts.

I promise you’ll thank me later when your laces aren’t tangled or shrunken.

How To Dry Sneakers In Dryer

Next, I take a moment to clean off any excess dirt. After all, who wants mud in their dryer?

Trust me, you don’t. If your sneakers have any detachable parts, make sure to take those off, too.

In my experience, these pieces can bang around and potentially cause harm to your dryer.

So there you go! Here are just a few simple steps to prepare your sneakers for a successful drying session.

Step 1: Read The Instructions on The Label First

Before I toss my sneakers into the dryer, I always take a moment to read the label carefully. Believe me, it’s crucial.

The last thing you want is to unintentionally ruin your favorite pair of leather, canvas, or mesh sneakers because they were incompatible with the dryer.

sneakers label before drying

I’ve found that fabric care instructions are there for a reason, and paying attention to them can save you from a world of regret.

I’ve learned the hard way that not all shoes are designed to withstand the heat and tumbling of a dryer. So, you need to keep this in mind before drying your sneakers in a dryer.

It’s a small step, but it can make a big difference.

Step 2: Give Sneakers Air Dry, Before Using Dryer

Once I’ve made sure my sneakers are dryer-safe, I don’t just toss them in straight away. Instead, I give them an initial air dry.

This is a step you shouldn’t skip. It’s straightforward – I simply leave my sneakers out in a well-ventilated area for a bit.

The aim is to let them lose as much moisture as possible naturally.

How To Dry Sneakers In Dryer

This way, when you finally use the dryer, it won’t have to work as hard or for as long.

Not only does this save energy, but it also reduces the risk of any heat-related damage to your sneakers.

A little air drying can go a long way in preserving your shoes.

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Step 3: Turn On the Dryer

Now, we’re onto the real deal.

Once I’m satisfied that my sneakers have air-dried enough, I move on to the dryer. Turn on your dryer, and you are ready for the next step!

dry sneakers in a dryer machine

Step 4: Tie The Sneakers’ Laces, Shut Them in The Door, and Put Your Sneakers In the Dryer

Here’s a trick I’ve found incredibly useful! I simply tie the laces of my sneakers together, then gently shut them in the dryer door.

This way, the shoes hang in the dryer, limiting the noise and tumble.

You should definitely try it out! Firstly, after tying the laces, ensure you leave enough length to shut them in the door securely.

soak sneakers in dryer

Next, place the sneakers in the dryer, making sure they’re hanging and not sitting on the bottom.

This technique minimizes potential damage to both your sneakers and the dryer.

With this step, I guarantee you’ll find drying your sneakers in the dryer a breeze.

Step 5: Keep The Dryer Heat to The Lowest Setting

Now comes the crucial part. I cannot stress enough how important it is to keep the dryer heat in the lowest setting.

Over-drying can be detrimental, especially for certain materials like leather or suede.

I’ve found that high heat can cause shrinkage and lead to your sneakers losing their shape. Imagine my dismay when a perfect pair morphed into something that didn’t fit anymore!

So, trust me on this: always opt for low heat settings. This will protect your sneakers from potential damage and keep them in top-notch condition.

Remember, patience pays off when you’re drying sneakers in the dryer.

Caution about over-drying, Warnings about potential damage to certain materials, Recommendations for low heat settings

Step 6: After 15 Minutes, Check Out Your Sneakers

After about 15 minutes, I usually check on my sneakers. You might be thinking, “Already?” But trust me, it’s worth it.

This brief check-up lets me ensure that things are going smoothly and my sneakers aren’t overheating.

If you’re in a rush and want to speed up the process, consider using dryer balls. These balls can help you learn how to dry shoes fast.

Just like me, you’ll be amazed at how they can reduce drying time and make your life easier.

So, remember, after 15 minutes, give your sneakers a quick check. It’s a small step that can save you from a lot of trouble later.

As always, patience and careful monitoring are key in this process.

Step 7: Remove Sneakers from Dryer If They Dried

Finally, the moment of truth arrives. I gently take out the sneakers, inspecting them meticulously for any unforeseen damage or changes in shape.

You’ll want to do the same, ensuring that everything is still intact and your shoes haven’t morphed into an unrecognizable form.

Once satisfied, I move on to reinsert the insoles and laces. It’s a breeze if you remember to keep them safe at the start.

I assure you, this attention to detail pays off.

Lastly, if you own a pair of leather sneakers, consider cleaning or conditioning them after drying.

dryer sneakers

It helps maintain their luster and longevity.

With these steps, I guarantee you’ll master the art of safely drying sneakers in a dryer, just like I did.

Additional Protective Measures While Drying Sneakers in a Dryer:

Beyond the measures I’ve already shared, here are a few more tips I’ve picked up along the way. These are excellent to apply in case you feel that your sneakers might face harm during the drying process in a dryer.

  • Use of a mesh bag or pillowcase to protect your sneakers: I’ve found that placing my sneakers in a mesh bag or a pillowcase before putting them in the dryer can provide additional protection. This extra layer can shield your sneakers from any potential damage.
  • Adding towels to the dryer to reduce impact and noise: Do you often ask yourself how to dry shoes in dryer without noise? This is something I highly recommend. Adding a few towels into the dryer with your sneakers can significantly reduce the impact and noise generated while they tumble.
  • Avoiding damage from zippers or buttons in the dryer: I’ve learned that zippers or buttons from other garments in the dryer can potentially scratch or dent your sneakers. So, it’s best to dry your sneakers alone or only with soft materials.

Remember, these little things can make a world of difference when it comes to preserving the lifespan of your precious sneakers.

Other Ways to Dry Sneakers Without a Dryer:

When you find yourself without a dryer, don’t worry! You still have potential solutions at your disposal. Here are some alternative ways to dry sneakers without a dryer.

Use Air Dry Technique To Dry Your Sneakers:

Firstly, you can air-dry your sneakers.

Simply remove the insoles and laces, then place your shoes in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

This allows the air to circulate and dry your sneakers naturally.

Stuffing Sneakers with Crumpled Newspaper:

Secondly, consider stuffing your sneakers with crumpled newspaper. This old-school method is surprisingly effective at absorbing moisture.

The newspaper acts as a sponge, drawing out the moisture from your shoes.

Be sure to replace the newspaper every few hours until your shoes are completely dry.

Consider Investing in a Sneaker Drying Rack or Boot Dryer:

Lastly, if you frequently find yourself in this situation, it might be worth investing in a shoe-drying rack or a boot dryer. This investment helps you answer how to dry shoes in a dryer with a rack.

These tools are specially designed to dry footwear without causing any damage.

sneakers drying rack

They provide a gentle and even airflow that accelerates the drying process.

One can add a fabric softener sheet to produce a fresh scent.

However, always keep in mind to be patient – rushing the process can risk damaging your treasured sneakers. By following these steps, you can ensure that your shoes dry thoroughly and are ready to be worn again in no time!

Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Sneakers Up To Date and Long-Running

When it comes to keeping your sneakers in pristine condition, it’s important to remember that the cleaning process doesn’t end with drying them in the dryer. To ensure your sneakers stay up to date and run for a long time, here are some additional cleaning tips:

  • Regular Cleaning: As an important first step, make it a habit to clean your sneakers regularly. You’d be surprised at how a simple routine can extend your shoe’s lifespan.
  • Use the Right Cleaning Tools: Always use soft-bristle brushes or a damp cloth for cleaning. These tools can help maintain the material’s integrity while effectively removing dirt and stains.
  • Be Mindful of the Material: Different materials require different cleaning methods. For instance, leather needs conditioning post-drying, while suede might require special cleaners.
  • Avoid Harsh Detergents: Harsh detergents can cause discoloration or damage. Instead, opt for mild soap or specialized sneaker cleaners.
  • Air Them Out: Post-drying, let your sneakers air out in an open space. This prevents any potential odor build-up, keeping your shoes fresh.
  • Use Sneaker Rotation: This is when you have multiple pairs of sneakers. It helps you to wear them alternatively. This way, you can prevent sneakers from getting dirty or muddy to a great deal!

Remember, simple steps like these can make a substantial difference in keeping your sneakers in top-notch condition.

Also, checkout our comprehensive guide with various methods to clean white sneakers in no time!

Just like drying your sneakers in a dryer, cleaning them effectively requires patience and attentiveness. So, next time you’re ready to clean your sneakers, keep these tips in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Often Should You Clean Your Sneakers?

Typically, it is recommended to clean your sneakers once every two weeks if they are used regularly. However, the frequency can change depending on your usage pattern. If you wear your sneakers for daily workouts or they are exposed to dirt frequently, you might need to clean them weekly.

How to Dry Shoes in 5 Minutes?

Drying shoes in 5 minutes can be challenging. The best quick fix is using a hairdryer. Remove any excess moisture with a towel, then use the hairdryer on the cool setting to blow-dry the shoes. Keep in mind that this won’t completely dry them, but it can help reduce dampness.

What Is the Fastest Way to Dry Shoes Overnight?

The fastest way to dry shoes overnight is to use silica gel packets or uncooked rice. They absorb moisture effectively. Remove the insoles and laces, fill the shoes with these materials, and leave them overnight. By morning, your shoes should be dry.

How to Dry Sneakers In a Dryer Overnight?

Drying sneakers in a dryer overnight isn’t recommended as it can damage the shoes and the dryer. However, if you must, use the lowest heat setting and put them in a mesh bag or pillowcase for protection. Add some towels to minimize noise and impact.

How to Dry Your Shoes in 10 Minutes?

Drying shoes entirely in 10 minutes is near impossible. The best you can do is to remove the insoles and laces, wipe as much water as you can using a dry cloth, and then use a hairdryer for the remaining moisture. This can make your shoes wearable but not 100% dry.

Last Words:

I hope you’ve found this guide on how to dry sneakers in a dryer helpful. Remember, patience is key, and taking those extra precautions can significantly extend the life of your favorite pair of kicks. Now it’s your turn! Do you have a unique method for drying sneakers you would like to share? We’d love to hear your hacks and tips. And remember, this guide is just the beginning – There are many more sneaker hacks waiting to be discovered. So, keep exploring and experimenting, and don’t forget to take good care of your sneakers. After all, they take care of you on all your adventures. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks. Happy drying!


  • Elizabeth

    Meet Elizabeth, the creative mind behind! With a passion for sneakers that goes way back, Elizabeth has been exploring the world of kicks for as long as she can remember. She has a Master’s Degree in design and has been a sneakers lover for a very long period. That means Elizabeth comes with expertise and experience in sneakers, which helps her share her best knowledge on sneaker-related queries. Elizabeth believes that sneakers aren’t just shoes; they’re a way to express yourself and have fun with fashion.

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